Hash #999

Half way past Hell. . . . or 50% more hell, however you want to look at it. This trail will take IH3 back to Robinson Hollow, a forest we have not been to in quite a while. I have no theme, but 999…

Hash #995

IH3 Trail 995: The Four Letter Word Trail II To quote Handy, circa 03/22/17: “YO BITCHES!!! There will be trail on Sunday and it will be glorious!!!” Join your hares Handy, BVD, and possibly Rehymenator. This will be a four letter word hash, as…

Hash #994

Get loaded up in your woody for a good old fashioned surfin’ safari as B.V.D. and Reverse Penguin bring you this beachin’ trail. Got a Hawaiian shirt you stopped wearing after the boogaloo tried to be a thing? Wear it. Got a sweet sun…

Hash #993

Well howdy there, buckaroos: Are you ready for another rootin’ tootin’ good time. Strap on your spurs, irons, and anything else you want to strap on, and join us in the lightly hashed wilds just west of Corning for an Old West themed trail….

Hash #992

Hot Time Summer In The City Is this déjà vu? A Mirage? Nope and nope. It’s the heat. So, cum on out for a wet and wild trail set by your underachieving hares, Gashby, Layzher, Flowbie, and BVD. It will be a wet trail,…

Hash #991

Wankers : It’s that time again where you get 2-4-1 hash trail credits. Join the  Homer campout crew for a romp in Bear Swamp State Forest. There will be some shiggy plus plenty or opportunities to stretch your legs on the fine trail network. We…

Hash #989

Sunday’s Strawberry Hash #989 5150 Cold Springs Road, Trumansburg Drive down the driveway, all the way until you see a big white tent. Please don’t park along Cold Springs Road as it will be a long walk to the start. There is plenty of…

Hash #988

From your hares, Cozy Crotch and Justine the Fawn F*cker: Welcome to trail #988 of the Ithaca Hash House Harriers. Not really good at themes, but wearing cammo and flannel always gets big points with us! Your Hares, Cozy Crotch and Justine the Fawn…

Hash #978

Welcome Hashers to Trail # 978 on Sunday, January 23 at 12:69pm. Yeah it is early!!! This day’s theme seeks to honor the birthday of John Hancock, who sported the biggest signature on the Declaration of Independence. So find your “signature”, whatever that might…

Hash #978 -cancelled

Trail #978 (off-schedule trail) Cum in my Full Moon Date changed due to poor scheduling of weather on the part of one of the hares. Not saying it’s Spike’s fault, but it probably is. Your Hares Cumboy Wonder and Spike invite you to a…