Ithaca Hash #567: Floss’ Ass-phault

Hashers every where….come out to another fine Floss Trail…complete with lots of assfault…just the way Master Baster likes it!!!

Trail this coming Sunday will start at Chez Floss. If you don’t know how to get there…check the link.

There will be a “silly t-shirt” theme for the day cuz we all like themes…. Dig yours out of the closet and put it on. Hell…we may even burn it later so you don’t have to take it home!!!

There will also be grilling of meaty things after circle. Feel free to bring out other edible items…panties included….

Unfortunately…trail is not real dog friendly…but could be with a leash. There are parts that they would definitely enjoy….

on-time to get drunk in the hot tub again-on!