IH3 Hash #623: Saturday in DSF

The next hash is going to be a SATURDAY hash – so make sure you show up on the right day.  We’ll meet in the Danby State Forest at 2:69 pm on Saturday May 28th.  Parking will most likely be on Michigan Hollow Rd. – I’ll have specifics & a map next week.

On-Every Day is a Hashing Day-On


One Comment on “IH3 Hash #623: Saturday in DSF

  1. hey! i’ve been to Kuala Lumpur, i struggle to run and i’m good for a couple of beers. in a word, i’d like to join your club. i called the tel. #, but it reports the next run as taking place in March. How does one find *accurate* info, re: hash runs? 😉 here (website) only?