IH3 #693: Grassroots Hangover Recovery!


On be-half of our hare for Sunday’s trail, Pubic Offender, I’m pleased to report that we look forward to an A-to-A+ format, with the Soup-Or-Seekrit ending location to include circle, horseshoe pitching and a BBQ with veggie options.

Start: @2:69PM HST from Collegetown Bagels in Collegetown.
End: approx. 2/3 mile scenic walk back to the start.
Porking: available near start on the streets of C-town, or paid-by-hour available in the Dryden Rd. Porking Garage.

Those who wish to Pork near the end location are advised to put their car over by the north side of the suspension bridge (free, no permit needed, limited availability), on the streets nearby, or take their chances with CU parking around the Johnson Museum — and walk to CTB (due south, thru Central Campus, down College Avenue) from there.

Be aware of the draconian regulations and adhere to posted weekend Porking guidelines; the Big Red Porking Gnomes are merciless.

Those interested in car-sharing are advised to do so. ​

Pork pork pork!