Hash #906

Hash #901

Hash #900

Hash #898

Hash #897

Hash #896

Okay, degenerates and degenerettes! Corndog’s Escaping Ithaca Weather and Moving to Florida Trail. Like everything else Corndog has ever laid, the trail will be short, flat, and shiggy-free, and probably amusing. Sunday’s off-week, on-out hash meets at 1:69, by the old duck pond (along…

Hash #894–#895

JUNE 15 & 16  Tastes Like 10th Grade It’s been a long, cold, wet spring and IH3 is ready to welcome a long, hot, wet summer! What better way to celebrate the beginning of the solstice than to bark at the full moon and…

Hash #893

On behalf of CumBoy Wonder and Shittalkie: Come one, come all, and celebrate National Candy Month with a candy laden trail that will surely satisfy your thirst for candy. There will be shiggy and ticks and cold frothy beverages to wash down sugary sweets!…

Hash #881

Join the 3 Hos of Ithaca for IH3’s 12 Stops of Hashmus! Deck your balls with all that’s festive and jingle your way around town with us as we celebrate the season. Santa is cummin’ to town and he’s only looking for the naughty…

Hash #874

Shave the date and time …. Ye is invited to attend the 30th Analversary Trail of the Ithaca Hash House Harriers to be held on Sunday, October 7th, at 1:69 in the afternoon at the trail head on Stone Quarry Road. Parking is somewhat…