Ithaca Hash #618: Spring Has Sprung!

Hey Wanks!

Join us for another very special hash (2 specials in 2 weeks, you lucky bastards!) … this Sunday marks the 3rd anal…annual Twin Peaks barfday hash, in celebration of the day the world was blessed with the birth of your very own official IH3 twins – Head to Toe In Utero and Nurse TaKillYa!  Not only is it our birthday hash, it is our 30TH BIRTHDAY hash!  We’re allegedly grown-ups now!

…and, as if Nature knew to celebrate this hash gloriously, Sunday also marks the first day of Spring!  Now, because I love hash themes, and Head stupidly has left me in charge of this by default, I hereby proclaim this hash to be TWIN THEMED!  Yes, hash uniform is encouraged.  Cum one, cum two in like dress and be rewarded with BEER!  (OK, we *might* give you beer anyway, but humor me.)

Trail starts at Stewart Park (go in main entrance and go LEFT, until you see a bunch of wanks hanging out and drinking in public).  Trail shall commence at 2:69 HST-ish.


Nurse TaKillYa

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