Posted on May 13, 2009 by Gispert
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Hi Hashers and other Ne’er-do-wells!
Given the state of our economy, park officials must take certain actions to generate more revenue. However, we are poor hashers who cannot afford $7 entry fees to parks, trails, or the like. We must spend this money on beer.
Therefore, our previously legal but expensive hash start location has been rejected in favor of the FREE backdoor entrance.
JOIN the other illegal rear-entry hashers on SATURDAY, MAY 16th 2pm at the bridge intersection of Comfort Road and Yaple Road, located south of Ithaca.
For those of you that can read:
Take 96B south from Ithaca to Comfort Road. (Those comfortable with backdoor entrance will recognize this as the old road to Common Ground.) Turn RIGHT. Follow the road 0.5 mile. When it bends left, look for HHH marks and pull over along the side of the road.
On-backdoor hashing,