A Drinking Club with a Running Problem
Woodstock Summer of Love Hash
Sunday, August 13 at 2:69 HST
Inlet Road, Ithaca
PIN DROP HERE! https://www.google.com/…/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m…
Turn onto Inlet Rd. off of RT 13A. When you get to the V in the road, keep right. DO NOT drive to Ithaca Dispatch. Stay to the right, carefully cross the Rail Road tracks, and you will find the parking area.
In the Summer of ’69 halfminded hippies came together in mid-August at the Woodstock Music Festival to celebrate three days of getting a piece, love and music, with fantastical performances by the likes of Janis Joplin, Joe COCK-HER, Jimmy HenDrICKS, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Santana, Grace sLICK with The Jefferson Airplane, and Sly and the Family STONED. There were also soulful melodies to sing along to such as The Who’s “See Me, Feel Me, Touch Me.”
Your hare, Shiggy Shaman, wants you to put the WOOD back in Woodstock by getting your inner hippie and your ’69 rockstar on. Since it’s mid-August in Ithaca, it’s sure to be hot and wet! Bring a dry bag.
$5 hash cash gets you piece, love, and the flavor of ice cold beer. Virgins are free! Hash-friendly dogs are welcome and must be leashed. On After at Ithaca Beer Co!