Ithaca’s 600th Hashstravaganza!

Need to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the upcoming Ithaca Hash Weekend on August 20-22?
Now’s your chance!
This weekend’s Hashtravaganza has everything you need to properly train your liver!
Trail will begin SATURDAY promptly at 2:69 HST from Bridesmaid’s spread. (107 Collins Road. North on Warren to a right on Asbury. Left onto Collins. Turn right into driveway.)

Hashtravaganza Schedule (subject to change on a whim):

Saturday July 10
2:00-3:00             Arrive at Bridesmaid’s. Set up tent if you’re staying over. Have a beer. Swim.
3:09                    Caravan to trail start will leave Bridesmaid’s place. If you are running late, call PG (6073421341) for directions.
3:30                    Bridesmaid’s Birthday Trail! Expect shiggy galore and swimming!
7:00                    Circle at Bridesmaid’s with bbq to follow.
After circle, everyone is welcome to stay for bbq, swimming in pond or pool, naked disc croquet, and the like. Overnight guests are encouraged. If you don’t want to camp, you can sleep in the basement Slumber Party style. Bring change of shoes and clothes, bathing suit, towel, food to grill, sleeping bags/tents, bug spray, etc.

Sunday July 11
10:00                  Breakfast beer!
10:30                  Fat Boy Trail
noon                   Go home!

On-summer b*tches-