Ithaca Hash #606: Hector Amsterdamen Trail

Arrrrrrrrrrr Ithacawanks!

After a delightful Pirate Day trail in the wilds of Michigan Hollow, scrambling over hilly shiggy and BN-ing on a scenic ridgetop this Sunday, we now look forward to a surprise visit! Half-Minds from Amsterdam make their appearance in Ithaca this Sunday, so Bedside & UFO are setting a special kid-accessible, hound-friendly trail near their home outside Trumansburg this Sunday. After they visited Amsterdam, it only makes sense to show our Europeein’ brethren the same courtesy, no?

We meet at the usual 2:69pm at Ballard Pond on Searsburg Road. Approximate map link is here. There will be post-r*n circle and special snack, with optional hot-tubbing, and keg-finishing to be done afterwards.
