Posted on July 16, 2014 by Gispert
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It’s that time of year again when thousands of music-lovers descend upon our area for a weekend of fun and mayhem. Grab your tie-dye and your hula hoops and join the Dirty Hippie Hashers! The Grassroots party lasts from Thursday – Sunday and we’re finishing off the fun this year with the Fantastical Festical Hash on Sunday, July 27th!
Not going to the festival? Don’t worry! You DO NOT NEED a festival pass to hash!
(96N from Ithaca toward Trumansburg. Turn left onto Rabbit Run Rd just before you reach T-burg. Go 0.5mi to side entrance. Look for flour.)
Hash time: 2:69pm HST
Hash cash: $5
Hash theme: dirty hippie!
Bring: old shoes, virgins, dogs with leashes, and shiggy socks
Don’t bring: new shoes, skanks, dogs without leashes, and bare legs
On-cherry-poppin’ hares!
Just Jen and PG