Hash #1069

Make Your Own Damn Hab – IH3’s 1069 Trail Will Be Wetter Than Ever!

That’s right! Cum sporting some Ithaca Trail 1069 hab of your own creation, because I’ll have my sharpies at the ready for any ill prepared hounds that don’t cum in theme. 

We’ll rally at Chez Gashby before organizing a carpool to a location at or about the Buttermilk Falls area for a wet and wild time. With rain expected on Friday and Saturday the streams, falls, and pools will be full of cool refreshing moistness to stave off the warm temps.

We’ll return to Chez Gashby after trail for a potluck on after, so be sure to bring some food items and some drinkies to cap off the day.

Hares: BVD & Gashby

When: Sunday, September 1 at 1:00 pm.

Where: Starting at Chez Gashby and then carpooling to the trail at or near Buttermilk Falls.

Chex Gashby pin drop:


*Missed us at Chez Gashby? Here’s a temp pin drop for Buttermilk Falls (subject to change):


Hash Cash: $5 (virgins cum for free)

*Maybe we pitch in for parking or we’ll drop off in a free area. 

Puppers: Sorry. Not a dog friendly one.

On After: Chez Gashby – Bring a dish to pass and maybe more drinks. We’re  not charging extra for food, so bring something to share.