2025 Special Hash Elections

Grand Master (GM): the public-relations person and general organizer for the hash; runs and organizes hash meetings, deals with angry public, keeps hash event plans moving. (Currently vacant)

Religious Advisor (RA): the hash leader for hash events; runs circle and chalk talk, keeps things fun. (Currently vacant)

On-Sec: the hash secretary; keeps records of attendance and of hash property, manages haberdashery (or delegates). (Currently Spike)

HashCash: the treasurer; keeps the hash finances, reports on hash finances, tracks spending on events, manages beermeister (if we have one). (Currently Jizzy)

Hare Raiser: maintains the list of upcoming hashes, reminding people when we need hares for runs. (Currently Shiggy)

Nominations run February 1–9. Elections will be February 9–16.

The 2025 special nominations now accepted.