A Drinking Club with a Running Problem
Grand Master (GM): the public-relations person and general organizer for the hash; runs and organizes hash meetings, deals with angry public, keeps hash event plans moving. (Currently vacant)
Religious Advisor (RA): the hash leader for hash events; runs circle and chalk talk, keeps things fun. (Currently vacant)
On-Sec: the hash secretary; keeps records of attendance and of hash property, manages haberdashery (or delegates). (Currently Spike)
HashCash: the treasurer; keeps the hash finances, reports on hash finances, tracks spending on events, manages beermeister (if we have one). (Currently Jizzy)
Hare Raiser: maintains the list of upcoming hashes, reminding people when we need hares for runs. (Currently Shiggy)
Nominations run February 1–9. Elections will be February 9–16.